Se acerca la HDI

Sí, sí, todavía quedan meses para la próxima edición de la HDI (evento por excelencia de House Dance, Waacking, Vogueing yHustle en Nueva York) pero como los billetes para julio no están precisamente baratos… Mejor empezar a mirárselo para hacer cálculos… Jejjee

Fecha para el 2010: 8-10 de Julio

Batallas, corros, workshops, proyecciones de documentales, shows, musicón…

Visita obligada!

En cuanto salga más información os la publicamos aquí mismito!

Subiríamos aquí videos del evento pero… buscando por Youtube hay tantos buenos… Qué no sabemos cuáles escoger!!

Thank you Santiago Freeman for organising such a great event! 🙂

Can you feel it??

Temazo de Mr Fingers!

Porque los clásicos nunca pasan de moda…

Thanks HouseNationChicago for the vid!

Funkin Stylez 2009

Lo sentimos…

Pero si no vinísteis al Funkin Stylez de diciembre pasado…

No sabéis lo que os habéis perdido!!

Evento MUY recomendable de cara al 2010.. Al que molaría mucho que hubiera un equipo español representando! En 2006 se representó España con mucho orgullo… Y volveremos!! Jajajaja

No hemos encontrado muchos vídeos del evento porque como es normal, estaba prohibido el uso de cámaras durante las competis.. Pero sí que hemos rescatado este de Javier Ninja  y Archie liándola en la after party. Demasié pal cuerpo!

De todas maneras, no hay como verlo y vivirlo!!

Thank you Urban TV1 for the vid!

Que tengáis un buen finde!

Entrevista con Shannon

Vídeo de una entrevista muy interesante con Shannon Mambra.

Conocimiento en palabras.


Thank you Robbyrocha for the vid!!

Breed of Motion

Dos vídeos de jefes… Increíbles!

Tyrone, Archie, Javier, Willi y Bravo…

Thank you for the vids Drpeppa!

Un buen ejemplo de New Way Vogueing

Vamos a ver…

Empezamos con un vídeo de una actuación de House of Ninja en NY a principios de año, cómo no, de Vogueing.

Ésta es una de las más importantes Houses de Vogueing en el mundo, creada por Willi Ninja… un jefe!

El de la derecha es Jedi Ninja, en el centro está Anna Ninja, y a la izquierda… Javier Ninja… cuando le veáis ver bailar en directo entenderéis por qué tanto punto suspensivo… Ay…!

Thanks Anna for the video!

Strike a Pose!!

Foto hecha por mi primillo…

Workshops para el Finde del Juste Debout 2010

Sabiendo que medio mundo va a viajar a París el finde del 4 al 7 de marzo, se han organizado varios workshops durante esos días para poder aprovechar el tiempo al máximo. Aquí puedes encontrar toda la info!!


Stages danse HIP-HOP Exceptionnel du 22 Février au 08 Mars 2010 avec : POPIN PETE (Electric Boogaloo), YUGSON (Wanted Possee), FOX (Mad’n Pop), KAPELA (Serials Steppers), RABAH (O’Trip House), BRIAN GREEN, BENNY NINJA (House of Ninjà).

Lundi 01 Mars : *10H30-12H00 Omar Edwards (Tap-Dance) *12H00-13H30 Omar Edwards (Tap-Dance) 14H00-15H30 Benny Ninjà (Waacking or Vogueing) 15H30-17H00 Rabah (HouseDance) 17H00-18H30 Fox (Pop’n-Boogaloo)

Mardi 02 Mars : *10H30-12H00 Omar Edwards (Tap-Dance) *12H00-13H30 Omar Edwards (Tap-Dance) 13H30-15H00 Benny Ninjà (Waacking or Vogueing) 15H00-16H30 Rabah (HouseDance) 16H30-18H00 Kapéla (Hype) 18H00-19H30 Fox (Pop’n-Boogaloo)

Mercredi 03 Mars : *10H30-12H00 Omar Edwards (Tap-Dance) *14H00-15H00 Omar Edwards (Tap-Dance) 15H00-16H30 Benny Ninjà (Waacking or Vogueing) 17H00-18H00 Rabah (HouseDance) 18H00-19H30 Yugson (Hip-Hop/Newstyle)

Jeudi 04 Mars : *10H30-12H00 Omar Edwards (Tap-Dance) *12H00-13H30 Omar Edwards (Tap-Dance) 14H00-15H30 Yugson (Hip-Hop/Newstyle) 15H30-17H00 Benny Ninjà (Waacking or Vogueing) 17H00-18H30 Rabah (HouseDance)

Vendredi 05 Mars : *10H30-12H00 Omar Edwards (Tap-Dance) *12H00-13H30 Omar Edwards (Tap-Dance) 13H30-15H00 Brian Green (Housedance) 15H00-16H30 Benny Ninjà (Waacking or Vogueing) 16H30-18H00 Kapela (Hype) 18H00-19H30 Brian Green (Hip-Hop)

****ATTENTION**** Soirée Clôture FIN de STAGE “Scène Ouverte à la Danse Hip-Hop” avec Benny Ninjà – Brian Green – Omar Edwards et plein d’autres surprises…

Samedi 06 Mars : 10H00-11H30 Brian Green (HouseDance) 11H30-13H00 Benny Ninjà (Waacking or Vogueing) 13H00-14H30 Brian Green (Hip-Hop)

Lundi 08 Mars : 10H00-12H00 Brian Green (HouseDance) 14H00-15H30 Brian Green (Hip-Hop) 15H30-17H00 Brian Green (Waacking)

TARIFS : 1 cours (1H30) 20€ / 2 cours (1H30) 35€ / 3 cours (1H30) 55€ / 4 cours (1H30) 75€ / 5 cours (1H30) 85€ / 10 cours (1H30) 180€ / La semaine (25 cours) 280€ / * Les cours de Tap-Dance (claquettes) sont : 1 cours 20€ – 2 cours 35€ – 10 cours 150€.

ADRESSE : L’ATELIER 10, rue du Cygne  75001 PARIS Métro : Etienne Marcel (ligne 4)



HOUSE and HIP HOP workshops with some of the greatest dancers ever: CALEAF, MARJORY, SEKOU, TONY, STRETCH, BOBBY, TERRY…!!!

March 4 :  Place : CENTRE MOMBOYE 25,rue Boyer, 75020 PARIS M° Gambetta (line 3) or M°Ménilmontant (line 2)    11am-12.30am CALEAF housedance / 12.30am-2pm SEKOU housedance / 12.30am-2pm BOBBY hip hop / 2pm-3.30pm TONY housedance / 3.30pm-5pm STRETCH hip hop / 5pm-6.30pm MARJORY housedance

March 5 : Place : Studio L’ENVOL 40 rue de la Folie-Regnault, 75011, M° Philippe Auguste (line 2) or M° Père Lachaise (line 3) 11am-12.30am MARJORY housedance / 12.30am-2pm SEKOU housedance / 2pm-3.30pm BOBBY hip hop / 3.30pm-5pm TONY housedance

March 8 : Place : DEEP SIDE CENTER 19, rue de Mont-Louis 75011 PARIS M° Philippe Auguste (line 2) 1.30pm-3pm TONY housedance / 3pm-4.30pm CALEAF housedance / 4.30pm-6pm MARJORY housedance / 4.30pm-6pm BOBBY hip hop

March 9 P : Place : DEEP SIDE CENTER 19, rue de Mont-Louis 75011 PARIS M° Philippe Auguste (line 2) 3.30pm-5pm CALEAF housedance / 5pm-6.30pm SEKOU housedance



Place : Deep Side Center 19 rue Mont Louis 75011 Paris

March 3 : 1.30pm-3pm KUMARI waacking /  1.30pm-3pm LASHAUN jazz funk / 3.15pm-4.45pm LASHAUN Jazz Funk / 5pm-6.30pm KUMARI waacking

March 6 : 12am-1.30pm LASHAUN jazz funk / 1.30pm-3pm KUMARI waacking

March 8 : 1.30pm-3pm EVA SCHOU waacking

20€ / workshop – 55€ for 3 workshops – 75€ for 5 workshops    Infoline : 01 53 27 06 76



The official workshop of juste debout will be from the March 1st till 5, with: Ejoe (US) for House dance,  SHO-tyme (US) for Hip hop, Gemini (FR) for Locking, Gucchon (JP) for Popping. The price will be 60 € for all the week 1:30 per day.

Other workshops with from the 1st till 5 march: Javier Ninja from NY( Voguing) : 20€ per classe or 80 € for 5 classes. / FootworkKinGZ from Chicago ( Foot work ) : 20 € per classe or 80 € for 5 classes or 150 € for 10 classes. / Salah From France( Poping, Waving animation effect) : 20 € per classe or 80 € for 5 classes. /  Elite force from NY ( Hip hop) Stretch, Bobby and Loose joint : 20 € per class or 80 for 5 classes. / Mr Wiggles From NY / LA ( Popping): 20 € per class or 80 for 5 classes. AND A TOP ROCK CLASS TO!!! 2 classes a day popping and TOP ROCKING. / Joseph GO from France ( Hip hop): 20 € per class or 80 for 5 classes. / Shannon Weach way Mabra from NY ( House) : 20 € per class or 80 for 5 classes. /  Dance fusion Caleaf and marjory from NY ( House) : 20 € per class or 80 for 5 classes. / Super Dave From LA ( Hip Hop): 20 € per class or 80 for 5 classes. / les Twins (Hip hop) : 20 € per class or 80 for 5 classes. / Niako (Hip Hop) only the 3, 4 and 5 of March: 20 € per class or 80 for 5 classes.

Juste debout official daily Workshop timetable 2010 from the 1st till the 5 of march and also some classes the 8 9 :

11:30 to 1pm: – House – Shannon Weach way Mabra NY / – House – Caleaf – dance fusion crew NY / – Top rock – Mr Wiggles – Rock steady Crew , EB’s NY / LA – 1PM to 2:30:  – Hip Hop – Super Dave Los Angeles / – Popping – Mr Wiggles – Rock steady Crew , EB’s NY / LA / – House – Marjory – Dance fusion crew NY / – Top Rock – Y Not – Rock steady crew NY – 2:30pm to 4: – Official JD judges workshop Hip hop sho Tyme NY, Locking Gemini France, Popping Gucchon JP, House E joe NY – 4pm to 5:30: – Hip hop – Stretch or Bobby – Elite force NY / Voguing – Javier Ninja – House of Ninja NY / – Popping – Salah FR / – Footworking/House – Chicago FootworKINGZ King Charles and Prince Jron – Chicago –

Vídeo en Paper Planes

Para seguir con el mismo rollo…

Dios!! Strike a pose!!



Madonna – Vogue

Pues… Para inaugurar este blog sobre HOUSE DANCE, WAACKING y VOGUEING… Qué mejor que colgar este mítico videoclip de Madonna, VOGUE!

Y sí, uno de los bailarines que aparece al fondo es el inimitable… WILLI NINJA! Pero como este hombre es la leche, no adelantaremos nada aquí y le dedicaremos un post sólo a él.

Adjunto un poco de info sobre del vídeo, muy interesante, para entender un poco más sobre de qué va la canción.

Ale, buen finde!

«The video was directed by David Fincher (Seven, El club de la lucha, Zodiac, The Game…)and shot at The Burbank Studios in Burbank, California on February 9-10, 1990. In 1993, Rolling Stone magazine listed the video as the twenty-eighth best music video of all-time. It was also ranked at number five on «The Top 100 Videos That Broke The Rules», issued by MTV on the channel’s 25th anniversary in August 2006.[2] It was the third time Fincher and Madonna collaborated on a video (the first being 1989’s «Express Yourself» and the second being 1989’s «Oh Father»).

Filmed in black-and-white, the video recalls the look of 1930s Hollywood films with the use of artwork by the Art Deco artist Tamara de Lempicka and an Art Deco set design. Many of the scenes are recreations of photographs taken by noted photographer Horst P. Horst, including his famous «Mainbocher Corset». Some of the close-up poses recreate noted portraits of such stars as Marilyn Monroe, Veronica Lake and Marlene Dietrich. (Additionally, several stars of this era were name-checked in the song’s lyrics.). There was some controversy surrounding the video due to a scene in which Madonna’s breasts (though not her nipples) could be seen through her sheer blouse, as seen in the above picture. MTV wanted to remove this scene, but Madonna refused, and the video aired with the shot intact. The video was edited in Australia for daytime screenings, with the sheer blouse images replaced with slow motion shots of other parts of the video. The video features the dancers and back-up vocalists for Madonna’s then-upcoming Blond Ambition Tour. The choreography was set by «Punk Ballerina» Karole Armitage. The video world-premiered on MTV on March 29, 1990. There are two versions of the video, the regularly aired television music video, and an extended version over three minutes longer.»

Fuente: Wikipedia


Strike a pose, Strike a pose, Vogue, vogue, vogueVogue, vogue, vogue, Look around everywhere you turn is heartache, It’s everywhere that you go (look around), You try everything you can to escape, The pain of life that you know (life that you know), When all else fails and you long to be, Something better than you are today, I know a place where you can get away, It’s called a dance floor, and here’s what it’s for, so, [Chorus:], Come on, vogue, Let your body move to the music (move to the music), Hey, hey, hey, Come on, vogue, Let your body go with the flow (go with the flow), You know you can do it, All you need is your own imagination, So use it that’s what it’s for (that’s what it’s for), Go inside, for your finest inspiration, Your dreams will open the door (open up the door), It makes no difference if you’re black or white, If you’re a boy or a girl, If the music’s pumping it will give you new life, You’re a superstar, yes, that’s what you are, you know it, [chorus, substituting «groove» for «move»], Beauty’s where you find it, Not just where you bump and grind it, Soul is in the musical, That’s where I feel so beautiful, Magical, life’s a ball, So get up on the dance floor, [chorus], Vogue, (Vogue), Beauty’s where you find it (move to the music), Vogue, (Vogue), Beauty’s where you find it (go with the flow), Greta Garbo, and Monroe, Deitrich and DiMaggio, Marlon Brando, Jimmy Dean, On the cover of a magazine, Grace Kelly; Harlow, Jean, Picture of a beauty queen, Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire, Ginger Rodgers, dance on air, They had style, they had grace, Rita Hayworth gave good face, Lauren, Katherine, Lana too, Bette Davis, we love you, Ladies with an attitude, Fellows that were in the mood, Don’t just stand there, let’s get to it, Strike a pose, there’s nothing to it, Vogue, vogue, Oooh, you’ve got to, Let your body move to the music, Oooh, you’ve got to just, Let your body go with the flow, Oooh, you’ve got to, Vogue